August reads

I haven’t done much reading this month for reasons unknown to me; but I did manage to complete a few books which I am so happy to share. These are the books that I have completed in the month of August:

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

If you want to read my full review on this book then please check it out here. Cinder was the first book I read this month and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was so different to the books I normally choose and the story really inspired me to read more from this genre. I gave it 4/5 stars on Goodreads.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Scarlet is book two in the Lunar Chronicles. While Cinder is loosely based on the fairytale of Cinderella; Scarlet is based on Little Red Riding Hood. Scarlet was very slow for me. I liked the new characters that were introduced and how they fit into the original story, where Cinder left off; but I thought the story line was very predictable. To me, Scarlet was just a book to launch you into Cress – book three in the series and based on Rapunzel. I gave it 3/5 stars on Goodreads.

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

I reached page 70 of Shatter Me and I put it down with absolutely no intention of picking it back up again. I could not stand Mafi’s writing – metaphor overkill!! A lot of it did not make sense and was just plain and simple, BAD writing! But for some reason I started reading it again and I came to enjoy it in the end. It was a fast paced story, with short chapters which I loved. I liked the characters even though they annoyed me a lot at first. Shatter Me is an intriguing read (that apparently will be made into a TV series) and I understand I am not alone in the struggle when I say that I don’t know who I like more: Warner or Adam!?! I gave it 2.5-3/5 stars on Goodreads.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling

This book is not shown in the picture because I read it from my tablet. I read Harry Potter a few years ago and I didn’t like it because I felt it was more of a children’s book and the writing was too simple for my liking. But then I decided to re-read it this month because I LOVE the movies. You guys, I am hooked! I love this series for everything that it is and I only wish that I could have given it a better chance when I was younger! I completely understand the hype around it and why so many people are die hard fans… I am collecting the new editions because they’re just so darn pretty, and also, I simply HAVE to have them on my bookshelf. Someone made a comment on my Instagram feed that they’re so jealous because I get to read Harry Potter for the very first time – that is how I feel most of the time when people read a book I love – I am enjoying the other end of the spectrum. I gave it 5/5 stars on Goodreads.

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

I took a long time to reach the end of this book. Mainly because I read it slowly and did not want it to end! I loved the twins and how they told their stories. It was predictable I won’t lie; but I still loved the story with all my heart. I want to do a full review on this book so for now I will say that I gave it 5/5 stars on Goodreads.

I have a list of books I am currently reading, which I am sure you’ve seen if you follow me on Instagram. I also want to start a comic book collection but I have NO IDEA where to start!! So if any one have any tips or ideas on where I can begin with comics, then please pop a comment below!

Oh!! And HAPPY SPRING everyone in Cape Town!! (Happy 1st September to everyone around the world!!)

– Nihaad