Book Fangirling Blog Award

I’ve been nominated by Abdeah from Under the Midnight Sky for the Book Fangirling Blog Award! Thank you so much for the nomination Abdeah! I enjoy spending time reading your posts, and it is always lovely to come by book bloggers from my home town – Cape Town.


The Rules:

  • Create a post to accept your award.
  • Add the blog award button into your post and put it on the side of your blog as a widget. Visit fangirling for the award button.
  • Answer the questions I have below.
  • Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees.


The Fault in our Stars by John Green

I know, I know, this is a firm favourite of so many readers around the world, but I was so disappointed by it. I actually started reading this book before the movie came out and it became all the rage; but I never finished it. Then when I read the write up on the movie, it sounded so familiar, and when I finally realised why it was so familiar I struggled to understand why it was such a big hit. I felt that John Green’s characters were unrealistic and pretentious, so I could not connect with them and it held me back from really enjoying it.


The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief is one of my all time favourite books, ever! I adored the writing style, the characters, the setting, the plot – pretty much everything that there is to love about a book, I loved about this one. But after reading it, I fell into a massive reading slump because every other book after seemed meaningless. It took me a while to get over the heartbreak and let it all sink in.


Someone Knows My Name aka The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill

I wrote a review about this book which you can read here. This book actually took me out of the reading slump which I was left with after reading The Book Thief.


Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

I am sure many bookworms will agree with me when I say that I am not a fan of books being made into movies. A movie takes away so much from a good book, especially if you haven’t read it. But for the sake of this challenge, I will say that I wouldn’t mind Jodi Picoult’s masterpiece, Leaving Time, being made into a movie. It contains everything that in my opinion makes a terrific blockbuster.


Blue Eyed Biblio

Unfortunately I don’t have much time to watch YouTube videos, but I have watched some by Blue Eyed Biblio and really enjoyed it. She is so cute, and her book collection is something from out of this world!

I hereby nominate these fellow book bloggers to completed this challenge:
Poppie Tee
Barefoot Meds
Books and Messy Buns
Page by Paige
Twins Turning Pages
And anyone else who would like to complete it too!

And the questions are:
1. What book did everyone like and you hated?
2. A book that put you in a ridiculous reading slump
3. Name a book you wish more people knew about
4. A book whose movie you liked more
5. Your favourite booktuber

I really enjoyed completing this challenge, hope you enjoyed reading it!

– Nihaad


My very ambitious TBR pile

My very ambitious TBR pile

I am three hours into the read-a-thon and I am being dragged down by a terrible headache. So I am taking a short break to get this post up and then I will dive nose first back into the book I am currently reading. I know this post was supposed to go up before the read-a-thon started, but rules are there to be broken right? This is the pre-party post which just requires me to answer some questions:

1.What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I am reading from the town famous for its white sand beaches and the majestic Table Mountain; Cape Town, South Africa!
2. Which book in your book stack are most looking forward to?
Well apart from my current read which I am thoroughly enjoying, The Young Elites, I am really looking forward to reading Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire!!
3. Which snack are you most looking forward to?
My husband has appointed himself as my cheerleader and snack provider, so I am looking forward to endless cups of tea and a surprise meal he is cooking up in the kitchen (it smells yummy!!)
4. Tell us something about yourself!
I have the heart of a little bookworm, but I crave adventure – I think you could call me an adrenaline junkie. If I am not losing myself in a good book, then I can be found day dreaming of my next blood pumping, thrill inducing activity to cross off my bucket list!
5. If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s the one thing you’ll do differently? Or if this is your first time, what are you most looking forward to?
This would be my first time taking part in this challenge, and I am most looking forward to connecting with people across the world who are also participating in this read-a-thon.

I was planning to make use of all my social media platforms, but it seems I am paying more attention to Instagram. So if you are interested in following me, or if you feel like giving me a cheer for motivation; then please check out my Instagram account:

Instagram : The Little Blog of STUFF

– Nihaad

Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon

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Hey guys!

This is just a little post to let you know about the read-a-thon I plan on participating in on Saturday, 17 October. I only came across it a couple of minutes ago so I do apologize for this rather rushed post.

A 24 hour read-a-thon is a reading challenge where everyone participates at the same time. For 24 hours, people from around the world read books, and post it on their blogs and various social media platforms; as well as visit other participants’ virtual online homes in order to encourage and motivate one another to read.

I have never participated in a read-a-thon before, so I am extremely excited to take part in this challenge. I don’t want to commit to a full 24 hours, but I will do my best to cram in as much reading and blogging as I can considering that a Saturday is after-all my day to get house chores done that I unfortunately neglect during the week.

Please check out Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon for more information, or better yet, sign up and join me in this challenge. This is a great way to get some reading done to boost your Goodreads reading challenge if you have fallen behind like I have.

If you would like to follow me as I take part in this challenge, you will find me on these social media platforms:

Instagram : The Little Blog of STUFF

Twitter :  NihaadG

Facebook : The Little Blog of STUFF

Goodreads : Nihaad

To find out what time it begins in your part of the world follow this link. For the Capetonians, it starts at 14:00 and ends at 13:55 on Sunday afternoon.

Until then, have a great Friday!

P.S. Jumuaa and Muharram Mubarak to all Muslim readers.

– Nihaad