Beating the Block – For Bloggers

I am still a newbie when it comes to the whole blogging world. But as soon as I started I felt this enormous pressure because of what I saw on other blogs – constantly questioning if I will ever be good enough to make any kind of impression. This, in-turn, caused me to have blogger’s block! It’s horrible, especially if you’re like me who have a million and one things swirling in your brain, craving for an outlet. This is how I have been beating the block and how you can too:

#1 Be your own inspiration

If you’ve read my very first post, you would see that right from the start of this blogging journey, I suffered writer’s block. I could not for the life of me write anything that I deemed worthy of being placed onto the internet. I felt overwhelmed because there was so much I wanted to say, but still I couldn’t write anything. I looked through pictures I’ve taken and listened to some music that I adore. I started creating my own inspiration, and my muse was, well, me! Don’t feel pressured by what’s happening on the outside. Just be yourself – tell your story or create a new one.

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Be your own inspiration.

#2 Just Write

I find that whenever I sit down with the intention to write a post I just can’t seem to come up with anything! So what I do now is, I pull up a blank document on Word and I just write. About anything and everything. I write about things that are important as well as insignificant ramblings that pops in my head. Don’t worry about spelling errors and structure; just let your thoughts flow onto the blank canvas before you. Soon enough you will find the hidden gem that needs a little bit of polishing, just waiting to be your crowned jewel.

#3 Ignore Social Media

There are times when I feel I really need some motivation. I check out whats happening on Pinterest or I read some new posts on Bloglovin. I end up spending my whole day on these platforms, with nothing to show for it. When I feel I really want to write something and I’ve completed step 1 and 2, I ignore any form of social media, because it ends up distracting me from my goal – to write!!

#4 Write from the heart

If you’ve read this post then you would know that I have been going through some stuff lately which has lead to me feeling really down and uninspired. I wrote that post to just get all those thoughts out of my mind, and put it out there so that it can be something REAL that I can keep coming back to. Sometimes you just have to clear your mind. Write from the heart. I think it helps a lot to unwind; it frees your thoughts so that you can move forward. Writing that post made me feel so much better – lighter. I feel more relaxed to write. I feel motivated to do everything I kept putting off before.

#5 take it easy, take it easy

Sometimes we put way too much pressure on ourselves and we end up feeling overwhelmed because we feel the need to produce. These days when I sense that feeling coming on, I step back and take it easy. I remind myself its not the end of the world. By taking that pressure and stress away you will feel more at ease with yourself. You will create a frame of mind for yourself to just enjoy what comes.


“Take it easy, take it easy. Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.” – Jackson Browne

These are just a few tips that has really helped me lately. What helps you beat writer’s block? I’d love to know.

– Nihaad

21 thoughts on “Beating the Block – For Bloggers

    • Nihaad says:

      That’s a very useful tip, Shukran Mogamad. I know I just started but it feels daunting thinking that when you put something out there so many people can criticize and judge. But like you said, if you’re happy then that’s what counts. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!


      • mogamadsalie says:

        I still feel like that sometimes when i post something new because i get a lot of criticism in my inbox. I learnt that everyone has a different outlook on things, Keep writing, you were made for this kind of thing because I enjoy your style of writing.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Nihaad says:

        Wow, thank you that means a lot! 🙂 I enjoy this form of writing because there are no limits – where in school you have to remain within the boundaries. And its amazing that you still write even when you get criticised. I think it shows that you do it because it makes you happy, and that inspires people reading your work.


  1. auderoylin says:

    I love the first tip about being your own inspiration! People often direct you someplace else to find inspiration, like reading other blogs or something, but sometimes that can be especially discouraging when you’re in a slump, because you wonder why you aren’t able to pump out content like they are. Well, that’s sometimes how I feel when I’m in a slump anyway. I like to be my own inspiration by experiencing life, especially when I’m in a slump–take a walk, spend an afternoon at a cafe, lie around and do nothing with friends 🙂 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nihaad says:

      I couldn’t agree more. It can be very frustrating when you see how others’ are performing when you yourself feel like you can’t produce anything. Being your own inspiration is the key to produce content that reflects your personality and individuality. So when I want to write something I try to stay clear of other blogs just to get my own thoughts and ideas focused – I find it works best for me. Thank you so much for the visit Audrey, hope to see more of you 🙂 x


  2. gabriel360live says:

    That’s a great list you have there. Sounds like you know exactly what you’re doing, even if you sometimes doubt yourself (happens to me all of the time). 😉

    Anyway, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the Cherished Blogfest, but it’s a nice get-together of blogs happening as I type this. You can find the details at the link below and while on that page, click on “Cherished Linky List” to find blogs from others who have signed up for it as well. If nothing else, it’ll give you something extra to write about. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nihaad says:

      I am glad you think so. I guess if you don’t know what you are doing at times then there is room for growth. Thank you for stopping by 🙂 I will certainly check it out, sounds interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. ORINOCO BLUE says:

    Such an inspirational post! I can relate to it well 🙂 I try to keep number 5 in mind at all times. You don’t want it to become like an obligation, but just keep writing because you love it!

    And I noticed now you are from South Africa, how cool is that, I would loooove to go back there again! 🙂

    Xo, Tara

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nihaad says:

      Why thank you Tara, I am so happy you found it to be inspiring. Number 5 is something we don’t always keep in mind but it is important to remember why you are doing something. I am indeed from South Africa, and I feel so lucky because its such a beautiful country. I don’t take advantage of it as much as I should though 😦 So I am trying to change that. Xo 🙂


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