Sunday Morning Hike

After writing my last post, I’ve been more motivated to explore this beautiful city that I call home. Summer is headed our way and it feels like a long lost friend that we are welcoming with arms wide open. I want to start writing more about Cape Town with all that it has to offer, and to record the places I have seen. Hopefully this would inspire me to do more so that I can combat the FOMO.

Sunday morning we went for a hike with some of the cousins. I have seen so many pictures of the Cecilia Forest and I just had to get out there to see this beautiful piece of Cape Town that up until recently I never knew existed. Even though I am feeling the after effects now, it was amazing to get out of bed on a beautiful sunny morning and be outdoors.

The start of the hiking trail

The start of the hiking trail


My sister in law and fellow book worm

My sister in law and fellow book worm


The cousins and one dog

The cousins and one dog



A kiss under the water fall

A kiss under the water fall

When we reached the waterfall I was blown away. Believe me these pictures do absolutely no justice to the beauty of it.

It was wonderful to get in touch with nature and enjoy the fresh morning air. The hike made me feel like I’ve done something productive for the day with so much time left to spare. But I am keeping that for a separate post… So this is it for now – I hope you take advantage of the beautiful weather we are having here in Cape Town. And if you are reading from a different part of this beautiful world, then I hope you stop the FOMO by being a tourist in your home town.

– Nihaad

26 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Hike

  1. smsyed says:

    Love the photos! Look at you exploring! Im lazy when it comes to hiking, but I think I should give it a shot sometime, maybe with some of my cousins! Cape Town is so beautiful, I have only seen it in movies, photos and on TV. Maybe I should come visit you and see for myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nihaad says:

      Awww thank you so much Saf! I figured with my last post I should stop complaining and just go out and explore to combat that pesky FOMO feels. CT is truly wonderful – we’d love to have you!!! Thanks for reading hun Xo


  2. May Cho says:

    You had me at “bookworm.” I honestly don’t go outdoors enough, but this seemed like such a lovely hike! We have a little hiking trail (no waterfalls) where I live and the last time I was there was at least a year ago, goodness.

    I’d love to have a kiss under the waterfall, haha, I hope you enjoy the week, Nihaad!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin’

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nihaad says:

      Hi May! Thank you so much for the visit! It was lovely to be outside basking in the early morning sun. We just said goodbye to a very long and extremely cold winter so I want to take full advantage! Always happy to meet a fellow bookworm 🙂 And please put “kiss under the waterfall” on your bucket list :p

      Have a wonderful week further Xo


  3. Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's says:

    I went hiking for the first time in forever this summer. It was really hot and dry and rocky, not at all like the lush green forest I pictured, but once I got to the top, I saw the beautiful, huge lake and also the all that lush greenery I pictured. Totally worth the hike! I had lunch up there and then just lazed around for some more before I headed back down. I hope you had a lot of fun on your hike! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nihaad says:

      This is so great Audrey, thank you for sharing your experience with me. The walk can be brutal especially in hot, dry, weather conditions. But like you said, once you reach the top and see the view from up there, it is all worth it! I had so much fun, it was wonderful being outdoors! May you have a lovely week further! Xo


    • Nihaad says:

      Omw Nadia I saw your Instagram pic of the waterfall some time ago and it is beautiful!!! Its not running as strong like in your picture but it was beautiful no less! We almost got lost too 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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